Saturday 27 Sep, 2025

Starting at 8.30am doors open

Etc Venues Fenchurch Street

etc.venues Fenchurch Street, 8 Fenchurch Pl, London EC3M 4PB

MeasureCamp #12

We did it again.

In mid March 2018, some of the brightest minds in digital analytics came together to share their knowledge and learn something new, while meeting new and old fellow analysts. Not even St Patrick’s Day could prevent MeasureCamp XII from being a success.

The digital analytics community in UK and around the world made it possible by attending, sponsoring, presenting and sharing their experience. It wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thanks!

MeasureCamp XII

Some achievements

We achieved several things during the day.

  1. Many of the big number of first-time attendees also did a presentation. For some it was their first time presenting too.

Bhav’s new speaker blog series or Yves-Marie’s blog post about his experience as a first-time at MeasureCamp may have helped to do the trick. Let us know if you fancy sharing your experience on our blog.

See some of the feedback:

  1. We all raised £737 for a worthy cause, a charity called Code Club,which helps nine to 13 year-olds to learn to code.

How many of you would’ve liked an experienced coder to help you with the nitty gritty of coding when you started? Your contributions have helped to make it possible so far. You can still contribute. Thanks!


We recorded many of the sessions, which you can watch on our Periscope channel. For example, the opening session.

Find a list below with the presentations, discussions, links to slides, blog posts and video recordings where we have them. Get in touch if we have misspelled your name or if we need to add anything to the list.

Session name Speaker Twitter handle Slides Video/ blog post
Give Data Studio a Chance Guiomar Gonzalez @guiometrics
From pagespeed –> sitespeed insights with R Donal Phipps @donalphipps
Clickstream Analysis with Markov Chains Alexandros Papageorgiou @alpapag
Smart insight and intelligent report Phil Pearce @philpearce
Conversion optimisation chat Chris Marsh @chrismarsh_uk
Digital nomad – travel and see the world. But how? Johannes Radig @joradig
Intelligent data – thoughts on analytics of tomorrow Steen Rasmussen @strasm
Attribution – not models but actions  Russell McAthy  @therustybear
How to get university sites to move quickly Phil Pearce @philpearce
25 Tips/Tricks/Hacks in 30 mins Peter O’Neill @peter_oneill
Enhanced ecommerce for non-ecom websites Nathan Stockford
Customer journey: marketing clouds vs customer data hubs Marc-Anton Clavel  @w0nvel
Device Experience Mining Craig Sullivan  @optimiseordie
How do you manage/optimise your own workflow  Colin Smith  @colin42
Pros and cons of Data Studio, Power BI and Tableau Helena Kleist  @HelenaKleist
 Web analytics for a SAAS company Jeremie Er-rafiqi  @Ratouffe
 Agile Analytics  Simo Ahava  @SimoAhava
How to train your new analyst Matt Whiteley  @thatmattw
GDPR with GTM and R Danny Mawani Olsen  @dannymawani
Are we paying them too much – can we become more profitable  Clarice Lin  @missclaricelin
 Startup Analytics Matthew Brandt
 What skills does an analyst need in 2019 Alice Moore & Grant Kemp  @ukdatageek
When did you last audit Google Analytics  Craig Sullivan & Charles Meaden
GTM Brewmaster (Cider + GTM session)  Phil Pearce  @philpearce
Which programming language to learn – R or Python? Maggie Petrova  @petrovamagi
Apache Beam: The road visits re-assessment & ETL victory Konstantinos Papadopoulos
A stepwise approach to cross-channel personalisation Niels Reijmer
Build your own power analytics tool  Alban Gerome  @albangerome
Website personalisation DIY with Google Tag Manager  Johannes Radig  @joradig
Alexa, do I need to go to work today?  Dominic Hurst  @dh_analytics
Apps discussion  Gerry White  @dergal
Anything and everything Adobe Analytics Deepak A & Stephen A
Google Analytics/Tag Manager/Optimise/Data Studio – tips and bugs you should know about  Alan Daitch
 SAAS KPIs for Google Analytics  Arnout Hellemans  @hellemans
Measuring content with Google Analytics e-commerce Cyprien Vallette & Sebastien Monnier  @smonnier
10 things I wish I was told when I started with Google Tag Manager George Slokoski
Rolling out global projects  Julien Cocquet
How to develop analytics masterclass  Peter Jakus
Ideas how to deal with PII in Google Analytics Johannes Arne
Tips and tricks of digital optimisation Dan
Lessons learned from your no 1 stakeholder Ellie Hughes
Data in politics Ihtesham Afzal
The future of analytics roles Kathryn Choi
The evolution of the digital analyst Michael Feiner
Data whispering and measuring the universe with a graph John Woods @johnawoods
Google Attribution 360 Ilona @IlonavandeB
Get to know your audience: bringing metrics to the newsroom Hanne Brasseur
What’s wrong with this graph? Gidi Delayahu
E-commerce on-site search ideas for analytics Gabriela Denilson
Is user intent messing up your attribution models? Dilyan Damyanov @dilyan_damyanov
AB testing portal Carly
Rise of the learning machines Nicholas Duddy @nickduddy
Beyond A/B testing part 1 Matt Gershoff @mgershoff
Beyond A/B testing part 2 Matt Gershoff @mgershoff
Becoming an artisan analyst practitioner by building tools customised to your needs


MeasureCamp XIII

We’re already working hard to make the next one happen. So please get in touch if you want to sponsor MeasureCamp XIII, have any suggestions or want to write for our blog.

Also, if you sign up to our newsletter, you can be in the know about what’s happening during and before the conferences and in the digital analytics world. Find the form on the footer of the website.

See you shortly.