Saturday 27 Sep, 2025

Starting at 8.30am doors open

Etc Venues Fenchurch Street

etc.venues Fenchurch Street, 8 Fenchurch Pl, London EC3M 4PB

MeasureCamp #9

240 analytics professionals, 62 sessions, 9 hours and a boatload of bacon sandwiches = one hell of a MeasureCamp!

Knowledge was shared, connections were made and for the first time in MeasureCamp history sessions were broadcasted across the globe realtime via Periscope.

Thank you to everyone who came along and made it one of our best camps yet. Here are all of the slides and materials we managed to gather from the day. If your deck is missing from the list, or you have notes from one of the missing sessions, do drop them to @Rosie-Parkin & they’ll be added.


Click here to watch the opening session and for all the social buzz you can find the Storify here.

11:00-11:30 Sessions

Digital Product Design is [insert picture of turd] and we’re all going to die… by Craig Sullivan – Watch this session on Periscope!

“In this talk, Craig will explain what Microwave Meals, The Internet of Things, Dog Poo and Edwardian Design have to do with modern product design. Oh, and we’re all going to die, did I mention that?

This talk explains the organisational and human problem that few of us talk about – the need to change the shitey way things are built, before it’s too late.

The Lean Corporate movement is also explained, showing how optimisation, testing, lean, agile and more – can reform the wastage and inefficiency that hobbles us. If your place needs rehab or you want a laugh, this session is for you!”


 Click here for Craig’s slides

How real time analytics dashboarding can help your business by Tony Lu and Viktorija Grigaite

“Using Google Real Time Analytics, we’ve developed a customised data framework to help Time inc understand our performance.”


Click here for Tony and Viktorija’s slides

Where does your data come from (tool agnostic!) by Alice Moore

“How is a site tagged? How is data stored? How do you decide what to track?”


Click here for Alice’s slides

Find Signal in Noise by Michal Brys

– 6 Steps to find value from messy data
– How to select information and conduct well prepared analysis
– Example of training MC models on Google Analytics data in R


Click here for Michal’s slides

Discussion on state of Adblocking in 2016 by Chris Byrne

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

How to Build an Attribution Solution in a Day 0 well, maybe a couple of days 😉 by Phillip Law

This talk focuses on an ETL process that results in a barebones rules based attribution model. This solution takes a raw clickstream data feed, transforms with Python, and then loads into Tableau for Visualisation and Analysis


Click here to access Phil’s How To Guide

Baking Digital Analytics Into Your Projects

“Discover useful tips on how to ensure analytics is considered from the outset of every project.”


Click here for Charles’ slides

11:35-12:05 Sessions

Combine and Rule: How to build analytics system that has all the data by Andrey Sukhovyy – Watch this session on Periscope!

Data people live in the world of chaos: behaviour and transactions data are being lost on the way to GA; revenues, costs and online actions are stored in different systems; already collected data is being changed over time; reports are being sampled and slow to refresh. And business is always moving forward demanding data-driven decisions. I will show the way out and how to manage it with Google BigQuery


Click here for Andrey’s slides

Easier and faster page element interactions tracking with Kermit by Alban Gerome

“80% of your page elements tracking done by the devs. More time for you but watch out for the server calls!”


Click here for Alban’s slides

Voice Search: the good, the bad and the don’t know by Ian Lewis and Michael Patten

A discussion about voice search and how it will effect search and performance.

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

Web Analytics Segmentation: Do or Die? by Tom van den Berg

– All data in aggregate is “crap”
– Which segments do you apply?
– How to analyze different segments>

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Stop It! by Dan Truman

Let’s argue analytics

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Supercharge your Organic CTR: SEO datalyer3 by Phil Pearce

Explaining recent changes to JSON-LD Schema (machine readable JS data) & how this can be used to track and then improve organic CTR:
– Moz new competitive intel tool for reporting JSON-LD detected in SERPS.
– Spamming the crap out of Google.
– GTM confir files to take away and enable.


Click here for Phil’s slides

Tableau & Google Sheets 101 by Li Kim Lee (Mezzo Labs)

Automating reporting without integrated data architecture or data entry teams. We show you one simple way for GA and look forward to talking about different methods from you.

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

Snowplow Analytics – the Founder’s Story by Yali Sassoon

How we are trying to change the way that digital analytics is done. What has happened so far.

Alex and I will talk about:
– Why we started Snowplow
– How we want to change the way digital analytics is done
– How the digital analytics industry has changed in the last 4 years
– What we plan to do at Snowplow next


Click here for Yali’s slides

12:10pm – 12:40pm

Google Analytics Configuration Audits by Craig Sullivan – Watch this session on Periscope!

How can we automate this stuff?

Open discussion about how we might build an automated tool, with user input, which will check for the most common GA Configuration and Collection mistakes.

We’re interested in making a tool – so if you have ideas for what to check how we might automate this – then come along! If you’re interested in broken configs, come enjoy the debate…

This is a BIG problem for many companies (they just don’t know it!) – Charles Measden and Craig Sullivan will moderate and see if we can come up with a workable solution FTW!

Automated Optimization with Smart Notifications by Jorrin Quest

“Why & how we created a BANDITS ALGORITHM for conversion optimisation.”


Click here for Jorrin’s slides

How to build your own analytics system with RStudio/Shiny Servers on a GCP Ubuntu Cloud Machine by Luca Valnegri

“Shiny Server can deliver your R visualisatons, EDA tools and predictive modeling to your team members, colleagues and/or stakeholders in a modern way without breaking the bank.

This is an interactive workshop, a laptop is required. Also, to follow along you’ll need to start a billing account with Google Compute, but everything will be absolutely free!”


Click here for Luca’s GitHub documentation

Click here for a dashboard example

Event data modeling by Christophe Bogaert (Snowplow)

How to make atomic/event-level data truly valuable.


Click here for Christophe’s slides

Text Mining with RStudio by Ashley Lindley 

“This session covers the what, why how behind an RStudio recipe for analysing social listening data for use in Digital Marketing Campaigns and Optimisation.”


Click here for Ashley’s slides

How to grow your consultancy? by Michael Feiner

Starting out or been doing this for years; only you or have a troop of analysts – come and discuss how you can do BETTER!

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

App Tracking 2.0: Google Firebase Analytics by Michaela Linhart

Short introduction to the new Firebase Mobile Development Sutie with focus on Firebase Analytics. Life hacks, best practices, analysis highlights.


Click here for Michaela’s slides

PLEASE HELP! G.A. Audit by Derek

I need to make a Google Analytics audit template and not sure where to start…

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

1:40pm – 2:10pm

Google DataStudio: First Impressions by Phil Pearce – Watch this session on Periscope!

A review of Google Data Studio so far…

– Installing a US Proxy & Known Issues
– Dashboard library
– Tips: Predations & conditional formatting
– Quiz


Click here for Phil’s slides

Content Tracking + Analytics with GTM by Martijn Scheijbeler

– GTM Tracking
– Custom Dimensions
– Share TNW cont.

Blog post to follow…

How to tell a story using data by Sylvia Rogo

– Data storytelling
– Data visualisation
– Insights
-> Utilisation

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

Bime: Interactive dashboard design workshop by Marion Pavillet

– Get actionable information from your data
– Visualise all your data in one platform

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An introduction to Firebase – App Analytics by Kirsty Simms & Jaryd Buggins

A beginner’s introduction to the Firebase console with a focus on Firebase Analytics (Mobile App Tracking)

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How do I start a virtual agency/freelancer network by Michael Hayes

I’m a GA freelancer who works remotely, I want to outsource work on hourly rate. If you’re interested in such work or hiring other freelancers, come and discuss how we can work together.

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

The most common pains of a web analyst and how to cure them by Yves Ferket

Are you still exporting your data, putting it in Excel? Struggling with the IT department?…

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

2:15pm – 2:45pm

Last click attribution is dead. What’s next? by Mariia Bocheva – Watch this session on Periscope!

95% of online businesses measure the efficiency of marketing campaigns using last non-direct click or another position based model in Google Analytics. This approach does not give you an objective picture: not all transactions are being logged, offline is not taken into consideration and neither is mutual campaigns influence on each other. This presentation will introduce a brand new logic of attribution modelling where the value is distributed across traffic sources based on micro conversion and transactions that help visitors move through the sales funnel.


Click here for Mariia’s slides

Web Analytics and Unified Segmentation for Business by Marc-Anton Clavel

– Segments Definition
– Web Analytics segments for business
– Unified segmentation
– Adobe Audience Manager


Click here for Marc-Anthon’s slides

JavaScript for Analysts by Simo Ahava

Code and stuff (but still fun)


Click here for Simo’s slides

Building Measure-Powered Products by Alex Dean @Snowplow

– As analysts we are often one stage removed from product building
– New technologies are enabling us to build measure-powered products


Click here for Alex’s slides

Google Tag Manager Strategies by Annabel

Auto event tracking vs hardcoded data layer pushes PROS + CONS

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

How to implement GTM for Apps and is it worth it? by Jim Williams

I would like to hold a discussion on the subject of using GTM to implement GA on Apps (mainly iOS). What are the pros and cons, potential gotchas, things to be aware of.

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The Incident of the Dog in the Night by Ivan Bager and Steen Rasmussen

As an analyst we have a tendency to focus on the available data, but some time overlook the data which is not there, but should be. In this session we explore the missing data.

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

2:50pm – 3:20pm

Attribution modelling with Markov Chains by Lukas Kakalejcik – Watch this session on Periscope!

Many of marketers rely on last click attribution. However, more than 95% of customers are not ready to buy during their first visit. What does it mean? You should map their journey from the first contact with your company until conversion happens.

Attribution models are great way to assign a credit to a marketing channel during each touchpoint. However, Heuristic models (the ones that can be found in Google Analytics, too) are not data driven and thus they are not accurate enough. Thankfully, Markov chains can provide us with a more precious evaluation of marketing channels.

In my presentation, I am going to describe the logic behind Markov chains, steps how to perform this analysis using Google Analytics and R, and I will also compare Heuristic models with Markov chain using real-world data.

Social Listening is Dead by Ed & Mike

Changing consumers and listening habits. Growth of new channels


Click here for Ed’s slides

Digital Marketing in 2026 by Jono Alderson

Self-driving cars
Evil corporations
Robots & AI
Are we already redundant?


Find Jono’s slides here

6 Marketing & Sales Dashboards We Use Every Day by Chris Wolski and Zach Kathnelson

We’ll show you 6 marketing & sales dashboards (with over 50 metrics and KPIs) we use to run our business:
– Monthly sales board
– Net retention dashboard
– Sales team scorecard
– Inbound marketing dashboard
– Google Analytics dashboard
– Content marketing dashboard
We’ll tell you how we use them and how to build them

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

How do we tell them they need “adaptive” design by Tom Edmonson

Responsiveness is sooo last year, the tide of mobile stops for no man (or woman).
10 min tak on what I did then chat about site speed and adaptive design

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1 Company – 1 Tracking Concept by Matteo Fava

30 backend. 120 different platforms. 40m sessions per month

Open discussion how to be sure to be able to track and analyse and monitor and QA and automate and maintain and structure analytics processes

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Goals to KPIs in 2 hours how to guide by Kelly McClean

Practical tips, templates and gotchas. Learn how to go from zero to hero

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Questions about a right web analytics deployment by Nicolas Guillard

What is the right way? From hell to heaven…

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3:50pm – 4:20pm

Super Advanced GTM Deployment by Phil Pearce – Watch this session on Periscope!

Tips & tricks learned from the most advanced GTM Deployment – I’ve ever done on a huge site.

– Free Auto-QA GoogleSheet testing tool
– Time saving techniques explained
– Lots of Batman vs Superman jokes


Click here for Phil’s slides

How to build a self service analytics model by Andrew Morris

Large companies are consuming more and more digital data but the old model of Digital Analysts being the gatekeepers to everything is not scalable. This session is about how to build and promote a self service model to free up Digital Analytics teams to be Analysts.

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How do you analyse customer feedback? by Adam Johnston

– Text analysis
– Categorization techniques
– Sentiment analysis
– How do you use the insights?

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Easy way to import cost data in GA by Audrey Mariia

Automatically import your cost data for non-Google campaigns in GA


Click here for Audrey’s slides

CRO and Grid Optimisation by @OptimiseOrDie

Multi Dimensional Data Cubes & Demo – Craig Sullivan and Pieter Baecke have been working on a free tool to create muti-segmented dynamic, retrospective funnels possible, even on basic Google Analytics.

We’ve incorporated some great CRO metric ‘cubes’ and a funnel generator, all of which is sliced across devices, channels, countries, models of iPhone, Browser etc. With one click, you get a ‘Grid’ of data and segmented funnel steps that gives you focus.

Click here to access the tool for free

R for Web Analytics – How to Use by Pawel Kapuscinski

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Cardiff Measurecamp by Nathan Stockford

Want a South West England + South Wales MeasureCamp. Come speak to us!

Call me for more details: Nathan Stockford

Display Marketing SUCKS!!! by Naveen

In 4.5 years as a web analytics, I’ve not seen the proof that display marketing works.
Want to hear from any analysts who want to prove me wrong!

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Site Search Analytics by Gerry White & Dan Truman

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4:25pm – 4:55pm

VR Analytics: Experimental sessions by Phil Pearce – Click here to watch this session on Periscope!

Demo of a couple of VR headsets using an iPhone
– VR games (e.g. FCX jet fighter)
– VR videos (e.g. 360 Skydiving)
– Immersive Dashboards
– Minority report style reports
– Tracking head and eye movements using measurement protocol

Cooking and Gardening Hints and Tips by Charles Meaden and Craig Sullivan

Brain full of analytics ideas? Join us for the last session to swap cooking and gardening tips

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Understanding the GTM dataLayer by Julian Juenemann

A small presentation for beginners to start understanding the dataLayer

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Lessons from history: can British Photo Reconnaissance in WW2 teach us how to better organise digital analytics today? by John Woods

In WW2 the British had to reinvent the science of photographic reconnaissance and interpretation almost from scratch. By the end of the war, hundreds of analysts were involved. The intelligence provided played a pivotal role in the Allied victory.

There are some amazing parallels between photo recon from the 1940s and digital analytics in the 21st century – in particular the way the work is organised between data collection and analysis, and the way the information flows. I’ll talk about these organisational parallels, and also show photos of 70-year-old WMDS!

No slides or materials yet for this session – send them through if you find them!

SEO + GA by Sebastien Monnier

– What custom dimensions/metrics?
– Tips, tricks from SEO in GA.
– Other tools than GA?

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FB Messenger Bot – Case Study by David Puha

Can a messenger bot be used to generate revenue? What to consider when launching it? and finally, what are the KPIs?

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What are the best GTM scripts by Beate Vervaecke

Discussion. Looking for simple AND reliable GTM scripts

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